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Feminist Rani: Cybersecurity – Threats, Challenges and Opportunities

Title Waves Book Store, Bandra Title Waves Book Store, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

ElsaMarie D’Silva is our Founder & CEO will be moderating the discussion. Ms. Aileen Marques is a Human Rights Lawyer with the Mumbai High Court.  Priyanka Borpujari is a Fulbright Scholar and a multi-award winning journalist who has reported on issues of human rights and justice, from across India, El Salvador and Indonesia. N. S. […]

Anti- Street Harassment Week


xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosofutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff cupasean footballbên lề sân cỏbáo bóng đá mớibóng đá cúp thế giớitin bóng đá ViệtUEFAbáo bóng đá việt […]

Safecity partners with DataKind Bangalore

Sahaj Software Solutions 3rd floor, #365 Sulochana Building, Sarjapura Main Road, 1st Cross Road, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034 · Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

DataKind is organising its first Project Accelerator of the year on 10th June and is partnering with Safecity, among other organisations, with the goal of using data for social good. If you are in town, RSVP here- Agenda: 10:15 am - 10:30 am: Check in 10:30 am - 10:45 am: Introduction to DataKind Bangalore 10:45 […]

Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC)

ISDI Parsons, Mumbai ISDI Tower, One Indiabulls Centre, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Red Dot Foundation (Safecity) has been appointed by the UN Habitat to host the Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) in Mumbai. This event is also part sponsored by the Swedish Institute, post the Stockholm Gender Equality Forum. It is in partnership with Developmatrix, The Urban Vision, ISDI, The US Consulate Mumbai, Tata Capital and BMW Foundation. […]

Youth Innovation Challenge in Mumbai


Red Dot Foundation (Safecity) alongwith Developmatrix, The Urban Vision, Tata Capital, knowledge partner- the US Consulate General, Mumbai and network partner- the School Leaders Network Foundation is hosting a social incubator called the Youth Design Innovation Challenge. The Youth Design Innovation Challenge is a derivative of the recently concluded Urban Thinkers Campus seeking to involve […]

Women, Peace & Security

Horchow Hall, 55 Hillhouse Avenue Horchow Hall, 55 Hillhouse Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA, New York, United States

2018 World Fellows ElsaMarie DSilva, Fauziya Ali, Maj Dongyoun Cho and Lauren C Anderson, former FBI Executive will participate in a panel discussion moderated by Prof Inderpal Grewal on Thursday, October 11 at 5:30 pm in GM Room, Horchow Hall (55 Hillhouse Ave). The panel discussion will focus on women’s efforts in peace and security […]

Design Sprint for Safecity Mobile App

Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design 15 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511 United States, New Haven, United States

The Safecity Mobile app was launched last year and is available in Android and iOS in several languages - English, Hindi, Spanish, Malay Bahasa, Arabic and Swahili This is part of the broader reporting platform to record and document experiences of sexual violence and harassment anonymously. We know for a fact that sexual violence and harassment are […]

Crime and Fear in Public Places

KTH Royal Insitute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

CRIME AND FEAR IN PUBLIC PLACES: Patterns, challenges and actions  #SafetyForUs A CONFERENCE ON THE INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHT TO SAFE PUBLIC PLACES 17-18th October 2018 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden This interdisciplinary forum offers 2 days of discussions about the individual’s right to safe public places in national and international contexts. This event appeals […]

Designing Solutions with Communities

Dwight Hall at Yale Dwight Hall at Yale 67 High Street New Haven, CT 06511 United States, New Haven, United States

Meet two of the Yale Greenberg World Fellows - Joy Olivier from South Africa and ElsaMarie D'Silva from India. They will share their work on education and prevention of sexual violence in their countries. Following that, they will engage high school students in a design thinking exercise to identify problems that students face in their […]

Inspiring Action

Centre for Collaborative Arts and Media, 149 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut Centre for Collaborative Arts and Media, 149 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut, Connecticut, United States

A workshop and conversation on empowerment, self-care and interventions when dealing with sexual misconduct. (Refreshments will be served)xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosofutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff cupasean […]


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