Community Policing in India
On 21st Dec 2018, Anuja Sawant @anujasaw conducted a tweetchat on ‘Community Policing in India’
The chat began by asking the audience how community policing was different from conventional policing and then explained the difference of it being more of a community approach to prevent crime before its occurrence. Anuja shared an example of community policing in Bangalore. The participants also discussed the important role that bystanders play in community policing often being the first respondents using smartphones and social media providing high definition video, photos, and information in real-time. Having bystanders is important but it is equally important to find ways to protect them. Anuja spoke about the issue of protecting whistleblowers with the help of an example of an activist from Bihar who was shot for exposing scams in his village. The chat ended by asking the audience about learnings about community policing from wildlife. Anuja concluded by sharing an example of meerkats working together to protect their kind, a quote and an interesting paper providing a comprehensive history of community policing in India.
A Tweetchat by Anuja!