Education for Underprivileged Children
On Friday 7th December, 2018 DoorStep School Pune conducted a tweetchat on the issue of education for underprivileged children.
The chat first began by asking the audience about the many different reasons why children are left out of school. Some of the answers that topped the list were poverty, illiteracy of parents, social conditions, lack of accessibility. This lead to the second question of whether education is available and accessible to children from migrant labour population. The audience then discussed the various options available through Governmental and non governmental measures to ensure education to all children. After this the curator highlighted the Right to Education Act, its important provisions and how it can help the many children in India avail education. An important issue that was brought to notice was that the Act was applicable to children until the age of 14 so much needs to be done to keep them engaged, involved and in school after they turned 14. The chat ended by asking all the participants what each could do if they noticed children out-of-school.
A tweetchat by DoorStep School!