Sex and the City- Does the City have space for women’s bodies and sexuality?
On 1st June, Swarnima Bhattacharya @SwarnsB Founder of Women’s Healthline @WomensHealth_in conducted a tweetchat on Sex and the City- Does the City have space for women’s bodies and sexuality?
The chat began by first asking the participants, especially the women, their experience of leisure & freedom in public spaces and how urban public spaces limit women’s sexuality & bodies. As women shared the difficulties they faced, they were asked to share the challenges that women with disabilities face in urban public spaces. The discussion went on to whether un-feminist urban spaces have an effect on women’s physical and mental health which most participants agreed on. The curator brought the chat to an end by asking the audience for solutions on what social & physical capital the urban spaces must add, for women to not only feel space, but also empowered in public spaces
A Tweetchat by Women’s Healthline!