Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusion #GES2017
On 17th of November, Luz Amuchastegui @Luz_Amu the Founder of El Desafio Foundation, conducted a tweetchat on ‘Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusion’ as part of Safecity’s series on #RoadtoGES as we build up to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2018 which will take place in Hyderabad in November.
The chat began by asking what needs to be provided to Social Entrepreneurs and what solutions entrepreneurs can bring forth to address the sustainable challenges. The chat also discussed how to simulate women empowerment. The skills needed by entrepreneurs were discussed.
The audience spoke about the importance of local government’s support, good infrastructure, open business environment. Then people spoke about need of more women entrepreneurs as role models. They discussed soft skills and resource management skills needed by entrepreneurs. Bringing the chat to an end, the discussion revolved around how the next generation should be educated and about the current scenario.
A tweetchat by Luz!