Socialisation and GBV
On November 24 2017, Naina Jha @27nainajha conducted a tweetchat on Socialization and Gender Based Violence (GBV). Questions were put forward to detect the main cause of above.
Through the chat, we learn that Socialization is basically a societal process which often leads to GBV, especially for women, and toxic masculinity for men and boys. We come to realize how socialization sets the power norms and acts as a major trigger for GBV. One of the participants mentioned the irony that women are sometimes the flag-bearers of patriarchy or GBV.
Now that the main roots of the problem have surfaced, Safecity tries to seek a solution. The participants suggested that parenting should be unbiased. It is high time we start educating our children that they should put ‘human’ first and not ‘gender’.
A TweetChat by Naina!