Voices that Need to be Heard
Ayesha Mehrotra is pursuing her undergraduate degree in Bangalore. She is passionate about the environment and various social issues. Through her writing at this platform, she hopes to encourage the millions of unheard voices to speak out.
Voices that Need to be Heard
She was trying to scream, but her words were drowned by the grunts of the man on top of her. She tried to push away but the brutal force kept leaving her effortless.The excruciating pain was ripping her soul apart, a piece of her dignity being snatched away. She tried to fight back, but nothing seemed to ease the weight. He left her unheard and broken.
Sexual abuse is a sensitive and urgent issue that is facing India. It’s a topic that is considered ‘unholy’ and ‘wrong’. Many are trying to come to terms with it, but the people who were brought up in a ‘conservative’ or ‘respectful’ atmosphere recognize sexual abuse as a black mark, a topic which can never be discussed unless behind closed doors. Sometimes, they even remain oblivious to this, despite it happening right before their own eyes.
53% of children in India face sexual abuse and harassment. In most of the cases, it is committed by people known or close to them such as relatives and even their own parents. Let’s recall the numerous cases registered recently across both urban and rural areas. Go ahead and google sexual abuse, you will find a long list of articles and blogs on this topic EVERY DAY. So, when more than half the population is facing heinous crimes like these, why is sexual abuse still a social stigma in our society?
This blog post isn’t about putting statistics and facts out there, people have read enough about that on the internet. This blog is to spread a message, to make people aware that there are millions of women, children, and even men, facing such unjust acts. It is time we stand up to sexual violence, be it for ourselves or anyone we know. We must fight this together and strengthen the society.
Sexual abuse isn’t about the clothes you are wearing or the expressions on your face. It is something which can happen to anyone.
Many organizations and self-help groups encourage victims to interact with trusted or loved ones and share their experiences, in order to create awareness about and promote defense against and justice for victims of sexual abuse. It is both a difficult and bold thing to do. The trauma experienced by the victims is unimaginable. Many of them could take years to open up and talk about it. Sometimes, they do not talk about it at all, which could, in some cases lead to suicidal tendencies, withdrawal, fear and trust issues. In several cases, victims also undergo stress disorders, anger and mental health issues.
It is not only something that no one should ever have to go through but also something which can be prevented if All of Us are well aware. Together we can combat this, so raise your voice and let it be heard.