My opinion
Why is my Virginity Your Pride?- Virginity Testing
Anjana is a final year medical student at KMC, Manipal. She strongly believes that words alone have an inexplicable power to bring about the change that we wish to see […]Read more
The Fumes of Acid Attacks
Milan Mamachan is pursuing Mass Communication (3rd year) from IP University. He is interested in reading novels, wants to travel as much as possible and pursue a doctorate. THE FUMES […]Read more
Waste is a Feminist Issue
Kartika Puri, an undergraduate student at Ashoka University, explores writerly migrations between the spheres of art, society, and politics. Waste is a Feminist Issue By the year, India produces 62 million […]Read more
Jamuna Tudu: A Tale of Feminist Environmentalism
Kartika Puri, an undergraduate student at Ashoka University, explores writerly migrations between the spheres of art, society, and politics. Jamuna Tudu: A Tale of Feminist Environmentalism In India, 24.39 per […]Read more
अभी तो और निर्भया और आसिफ़ा आएँगी
Yamini Parashar is pursuing her BA from Delhi university. She likes to write poems and observe things and is concerned with social issues. She identifies herself as a feminist and sees […]Read more
How this Martial Art Practice protected me from Harassment
Soumya Diddi, is a B-Tech graduate and has experience in digital marketing. She supports gender equality, child education and strives consistently for growth of knowledge. She says “One should never […]Read more
Yamini Parashar is pursuing her BA from Delhi university. She likes to write poems and observe things and is concerned with social issues. She identifies herself as a feminist and sees […]Read more
The Way you Raised Me
Yamini Parashar is pursuing her BA from Delhi university. She likes to write poems and observe things and is concerned with social issues. She identifies herself as a feminist and sees […]Read more
Dear Mother
Yamini Parashar is pursuing her BA from Delhi university. She likes to write poems and observe things and is concerned with social issues. She identifies herself as a feminist and sees […]Read more